

Releases, Media, Announcements, etc.

KEGG OmicsBox

KEGG Pathways in OmicsBox

This article explains how to analyse your data with the help of KEGG Pathways with OmicsBox. The free KEGG pathway app can be installed via the App Manager.

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LongTREC – BioBam member of a new ITN initiative

The European Union’s ITN initiative provides funding and hosting opportunities for Ph.D. students from around the world. As previously noted in one of our earlier posts, the ITN brings together some of the most prestigious institutions in the European Union to work on innovative research projects. Today we are pleased to present you the LongTREC project. Its primary objective is

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omicsbox 3.0 release

OmicsBox 3.0 Release: New Module and Features

Once again we are pleased to announce the latest update of OmicsBox 3.0. The whole BioBam team has worked to bring the new version of the BioBam bioinformatics solution to life. We proudly present the Genetic Variation Module as the highlight of OmicsBox 3.0. This module enables variant calling, filtering, and annotation, as well as the association of genetic variations

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BioBam Team at PAG30 in San Diego

This January, the BioBam team had the pleasure of attending the Plant and Animal Genome Conference in San Diego, California. This international event is a MUST for everyone working in the Plant and Animal Genomics space. For us, coming back to PAG after the Covid break was a great opportunity to get re-connected to the community and catch up with

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BioBam is part of INTERCEPT-MDS, a European ITN

We are very proud to be part of the European Project INTERCEPT-MDS, a highly competitive international training network (ITN) that seeks to advance cancer research and have a high impact on future generations of researchers. In this article, you can learn more about ITNs in general and this initiative in particular. What is an ITN? An ITN is a training

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ISO 27100

BioBam’s Commitment to Data Security: ISO 27001 Certification

At BioBam, we are strongly committed to ensuring that all of our bioinformatics solutions comply with the highest data security standards. We aim to provide the highest security for our customer’s data, which we store and protect. BioBam can proudly announce that we have achieved our first ISO 27001 certification for Information Security and Privacy in 2020.  

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BioBam at the ECCB 2022

From the 18th to the 21st of September, the BioBam team had the opportunity to take part in one of the largest European conferences on computational biology. The Spanish National Bioinformatics Institute (INB/ELIXIR-ES) and the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) welcomed bioinformatics and bioscientist from all over the world to the city of Sitges (Barcelona, Spain) to participate in the 21st

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OmicsBox 2.2 Release

We are happy to announce the latest update of OmicsBox 2.2. After several months of intensive work we are finally ready to present the new version of BioBam’s bioinformatics solution. OmicsBox 2.2 comes with new Single Cell and Long Read Data Analysis Features and many other platform improvements. OmicsBox continues improving to become the most efficient, powerful and user-friendly bioinformatics

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Single-Cell Differential Expression Analysis

Tutorial: Single-Cell RNA-Seq Differential Expression Analysis

The differential expression (DE) analysis has been used in bulk RNA-seq analysis for many years. It allows us to statistically measure changes in gene expression levels between different groups. With bulk RNA-seq analysis many cells are sequenced at the same time, so gene expression levels are commonly measured at the tissue level. Thus, the differences between samples and conditions are

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