Transcriptomics Module
The OmicsBox Transcriptomics module allows you to process RNA-seq data from raw reads down to their functional analysis in a flexible and intuitive way.

Quality Control
Use FastQC and Trimmomatic to perform the quality control of your samples, to filter reads and to remove low quality bases.
De-Novo Assembly
Assemble short reads with Trinity to obtain a de-novo transcriptome without a reference genome. Assess the completeness of the transcriptome with BUSCO and cluster similar sequences with CD-HIT. Moreover, you are able to predict coding regions with TransDecoder or assess the coding potential of each sequence with CPAT.
RNA-Seq Alignment
Align RNA-seq data to your reference genome making use of STAR (Spliced Transcripts Alignment to a Reference) or BWA (Burrows-Wheeler Aligner) regardless of your hardware. In addition, BAM-QC provides several useful modules to evaluate RNA-seq alignment files.
Quantify Expression
Quantify expression at gene or transcript level through HTSeq or RSEM and with or without a reference genome.
Differential Expression Analysis
Detect differentially expressed genes between experimental conditions or over time with well-known and versatile statistical packages like NOISeq, edgeR or maSigPro. Rich visualizations help to interpret results.
Long-Read Analysis
Use LongQC to assess the quality of long-read datasets without a reference genome.
Identify long-read-sequenced transcripts with IsoSeq3, FLAIR, or IsoQuant and then perform a long-read transcriptome analysis and characterization using SQANTI3. With this implementation, you will obtain a curated transcriptome including a detailed analysis report.
Single-Cell RNA-Seq
Obtain scRNA-Seq counts seamlessly with STARsolo for different library-prep technologies. Perform Single-Cell RNA-Seq clustering with Seurat to identify groups of cells and examine marker genes’ expression. Gain insight into cell transitions with Monocle3 and visualize cell lineage trajectories in pseudo-time.
Enrichment Analysis
By combining differential expression results with functional annotations, enrichment analysis allows to identify over- and underrepresented biological functions.
- RNA-Seq de novo assembly with Trinity
- Completeness Assessment with BUSCO
- Clustering with CD-HIT
- Predict Coding Regions with TransDecoder
- Coding Potential Assessing with CPAT
- RNA-Seq alignment with STAR
- RNA-Seq alignment with BWA
- Long-Read Aligner: Minimap2
- BAM file quality control with RSeqC
- Gene-level expression quantification with HTSeq
- Transcript-level expression quantification with RSEM
- Pairwise differential expression analysis with edgeR
- Pairwise differential expression analysis without replicates with NOISeq
- Time course expression analysis with maSigPro
- Long-read transcript identification with IsoSeq3
- Curation of Long-Read Transcriptomes with SQANTI3 v.5
- Single-Cell RNA-Seq Quantification Feature with StarSolo
- Single-cell RNA-Seq clustering with Seurat v.5
- Single-cell RNA-Seq trajectory inference with Monocle3
- Single-cell RNA-Seq differential expression analysis with EdgeR v.4
- Visualizations: Gene Trends and Expression UMAP
- Cell Type Identification with SingleR
- Autocorrelation Analysis via Monocle3
- Isoform Definition and Quantification with IsoQuant
- Reference-Free Long-Read Transcriptome with isON pipeline
- FLAIR v.2 including Quantification
- Batch Renaming of Feature IDs for Count Tables and Differential Expression Results
- Renaming and Deleting of Samples for Count Tables
- Improved UMAP Performance for Large Datasets
- Combine Transcriptomes with TAMA Merge
- Redesigned PacBio IsoSeq Pipeline
- Experimental Design Export Option for Differential Expression Results
Dive in: Transcriptomics Module Highlights
Single Cell
Unlock the power of advanced Single-Cell insights with OmicsBox.
With our user-friendly platform, Single Cell RNA-Seq analysis becomes accessible to every scientist, with a focus on dynamic data exploration and interactive visualizations.

Long Reads
Characterize and Curate Long-Read Transcriptomes with OmicsBox.
Discover our set of long reads tools to accurately reconstruct a transcriptome, assess the quality, and quantify isoforms easily.
De-Novo Transcriptome Characterization
Generate your own reference transcriptome by de novo assembling RNA-seq reads. Assess the completeness of the assembly, cluster similar sequences to reduce redundancy. Finally, predict coding regions and find homologous sequences to characterize transcript sequences.