
Long-Reads Assembly with OmicsBox

Third-generation DNA sequencing technologies allows scientist to generate longer sequence reads, which can be used in whole-genome sequencing projects to yield better repeat resolution and more contiguous genome assemblies. However, although long-read sequencing technologies can produce genomes with long contiguity, the relatively high error rate of long reads has made it challenging to generate highly accurate final sequences. OmicsBox now

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Multilocus Sequence Typing MLST Analysis Tool

The Multilocus Sequence Typing Analysis Tool of OmicsBox (MLST) is a nucleotide sequence-based approach of characterizing isolates of bacterial species using the sequences of internal fragments of seven housekeeping genes. This video shows step-by-step how to analyze bacterial sequences with the MLST App in OmicsBox. As input, users can provide either DNA-Seq reads in FASTQ or contigs/scaffolds in FASTA format.

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OmicsBox Video Introduction

This 5-minute video provides a brief introduction to OmicsBox. All main features of all modules are introduced. OmicsBox is a bioinformatics Solution to easy your Omcis Data Analysis. Our workflows get you  from raw reads tp insights fast and easy.  The presented modules include Transcriptomics, Functional Annotation and Analysis with Blast2GO, the Genome Analysis Module as well as the Metagenomics

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BioBam at PAG January 2019

We attended PAG XXVII, the largest Ag-Genomics Meeting in the world. https://www.intlpag.org/30/ We launched OmicsBox Beta and gave away a whole bunch of free subscriptions. Here are a few pics of the happy winners! Hopefully, they took advantage. The PAG 2019 Team with our new OmcisBox Booth :-). See you next year!

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