Coding Potential Assessment Tool

Coding Potential Assessment Tool

This video shows how to use the ‘Coding-Potential Assessment Tool’ which allows distinguishing the coding transcripts from the non-coding transcripts. This can be achieved using prebuilt models or building a species-specific model from the NCBI database. The results of the coding potential can be cross-checked with the Blast results and may allow discovering some novel mRNA.

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Evaluation of Eukaryotic Gene Finding with Augustus in OmicsBox

Evaluation of Eukaryotic Gene Finding with Augustus in OmicsBox

  The OmicsBox Genome Analysis Module allows executing eukaryotic de-novo and RNA-seq based gene finding with Augustus. In this way, it is possible to discover novel, putative coding genes and their genomic positions for yet uncharacterized genome. Based on the Augustus algorithm an ‘ab-initio’ (DNA sequences only), as well as RNA-seq guided (BAM files) gene predictions, are supported. We will

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