Version History
- Fixed InterProScan parsing issue with certain XML tags
- Fixed analysis report
- Removed GO Mapping database chart
- Now requires Java 11
- Added Cloud InterProScan
- Fix: Possible file corruption bug
- Fix: Applied bug fix to allow annotation of unconventional Blast hits
- Update: Enzyme resource files
- Update: GO Dag OBO file
- Update: Taxonomy info files
- Fix: Report failed because of erroneous enzyme commission codes
- Update: Enzyme resource files
- Update: GO Dag OBO file
- Fix: license.lic not found on CentOS
- Fix: Reprise libraries now in temporary folder
- New GO Mapping now based on MongoDB
- Adaption of CloudBlast to the new BioBam Cloud Platform
- New Generic Export Function allows extensive customized CSV data export
- Annotation Export includes now Enzyme Codes
- Additional parameters for the Longest ORF function
- Improved file handling allows relative file paths, white spaces in file names and automatic file extensions
- Fixed Export SeqTable function (duplicated description line)
- New licensing system that allows for floating licenses (e.g. clusters or multiple workstations)
- New -ecmapping switch to retrieve Enzyme Codes from annotated GOs (Included in -annotate step)
- Minor bug fixes
- Gene Ontology mapping and overall speed improvements
- Option to specify a location to store all temporary files with the parameter -tempfolder
- New statistic charts for GO mapping, Enzyme Codes and InterProScan results added
- Gene Ontology Graph visualization has been removed
- Fixed compatibility issue of .b2g files generated with the Blast2GO Desktop version
- Fix for headless environments (systems without any graphics support)
- Bug fix for InterProScan import function
- Allows a non standard port for the local database connection
- Improved PDF report (see attached example: Tomato)
- Run Blast locally or via the Blast2GO CloudBlast
- Run a remote InterProScan directly from within the Blast2GO command line
- Improved local database installation and update
- Extract Fasta sequences from a Reference Genome via a GFF or GTF file
- More detailed and explicatory properties file
- More detailed logging and additional export functions